Where was the Avarelle Acne Cover Patch when I was a teenager? I’ve been holding off on publishing anything about these genius Avarelle Acne Cover Patch products, hoping I’d get the chance to truly test them out myself. At my age, the skin problems are plentiful but the breakouts aren’t! With Amazon Prime Day quickly approaching, I wanted to be sure to give this product a shout-out because the Avarelle Acne Cover Patch is an Amazon best-seller so these may be available at a discount during Amazon Prime Day (July 11-12).
When a pimple finally comes to a head, you simply apply one of these hydrocolloid pimple patches over it like a band-aid before going to sleep. While you are resting these help the acne heal faster. In fact, if the breakout is really that ugly you can wear this all day! This product is cruelty-free and fragrance-free.
What is a hydrocolloid? I’m glad you asked. Truthfully, I had to search for the term myself! I’ll summarize… these bandages contain a substance that pull bodily fluids from a wound or a zit and absorb it. At the same time, they cover the area reducing inflammation while preventing infection. In short, hydrocolloid patches similar to these are even used to protect wounds.
At the time I am writing this, retail price is $8.05 for the original patches on the left and $8.49 for the larger version shown on the right. Click HERE to buy them on Amazon. I will definitely circle back when I have an opportunity to give them a test drive!
The product featured in this review was a press sample. Please click HERE to read my full disclosure.