If I had a teenaged daughter, I would absolutely buy her this adorable candy jar packed with glosses to keep in her bedroom! Anytime a friend visited, she could leave with a little flavored gloss of her choice as a souvenir. Who can resist these retro-styled sliding tin glosses, with flavors like Coconut Crazed, Mocha Maniac, Melon Mayhem, Frosting Fanatic, Candy Fix, Berry Pop and Cherry Bomb to choose from!
Truthfully… I want one for my own room, but I’m afraid its presence in the master bedroom might be grounds for divorce!
I’ve sampled three flavors: Mocha Maniac (a cool chocolate shade with golden shimmer), Melon Mayhem (a sheer peach shade) and Cherry Bomb (a luscious red shade). Love them all for their delicious scents, but lest you think Candy Shop Lip Gloss is for kids, let me inform you that these delicious glosses pack color worthy of a woman! My personal favorite? Cherry Bomb (of course). But why even pick a favorite when each is only $1?
Total of 72 glosses are included in the fish bowl! Retail price is $70.