As a teen, I was always on the prowl for a gadget that would miraculously extract goop from clogged pores. My first purchase of such an item was way back in the ancient 1980s, when I purchased a strange little spring-operated contraption that couldn’t possibly have worked (spoiler alert–it didn’t). I’ve probably tried or purchased dozens of other such fixes over the years, and many of them failed miserably.
Fast forward to the early months of this pandemic. My skin suddenly decided it was through with playing nicely. I’ll get into more detail in a later post, but it hasn’t been pretty. I am still not sure what triggered my sudden skin issues. Sensitive skin combined with increased exposure to harsh cleaning products? Probably. Stress from the virus and a million other crazy things happening all at once? Another solid possibility. I was juggling multiple skin issues like a circus performer, with the most visible of them being a mess of tiny bumps all over my forehead. It seemed as if my skin was trapping oils under the surface without ever breaking out. This issue wouldn’t clear with any topical treatment I tried.

I recently stumbled upon Dermapore, and while my gut told me I’d probably be disappointed I decided to take a chance. (I was lucky too, I snagged my Dermapore using a 20% off promo code)! The first time I used this space-agey looking contraption I felt like I had probably purchased another dud. However… what I came to realize is that proper use of this device takes a bit of practice and finesse, and soon I truly appreciated the glorious miracle this gadget truly is.
Dermapore basically works using a combination of subtle pressure and Ultrasonic waves. On freshly washed skin left damp, this combination of physical effects has an amazing way of releasing trapped oils and evacuating clogged pores effortlessly. No horrible squeezing or pinching required, and no new skincare products needed! While my skin still needs a ton of TLC, I’ve noticed quick improvement since Dermapore has become a regular part of my routine. My forehead–which was a perpetual forest of bumps for quite a long time–now feels smooth to the touch.
While I’ll admit I have used this mainly for pore extraction, this handy little tool actually serves two purposes. You can flip it over to rhythmically pat product into the skin, helping expensive product to penetrate deeper into the dermis where it does the most good!
I’m obsessed and I can’t recommend it highly enough! Dermapore retails for $99 and is currently available in 5 different colors (including some that are more masculine and an ideal Father’s Day gift). Keep an eye out for sales! Retailers include Dermaflash, Ulta, Amazon, and Bluemercury.
Looking for other fun skincare tools to try out? Don’t miss my mention of Foreo here, and my long-term love affair with the Luna!
Readers of Raging Rouge are most certainly familiar with Dermaflash, and while this item was purchased with my own money I have received samples from this brand in the past.