My hair is naturally wavy, a fact many don’t realize as I straighten my hair virtually every day. I don’t compulsively straighten because I am opposed to wavy hair (I actually think waves are quite lovely). I straighten my hair because wearing it curly makes me look like an asylum escapee.
The main reason for this crazed look is the out-of-control frizz that accompany my wavy tresses. A secondary reason is my fear of sticky styling product, an aversion that likely stems from coming of age during the 80s, when product came in the form of gels and sprays like "Stiff Stuff" that made hair feel like a plastic helmet.
Despite my hesitation… I sampled Ojon’s Hydrating Styling Cream. So happy I did! It’s easy to use: Simply pump some into your hand, and rub hands together until the micro-spheres in the product melt (you can see the spheres in the image). Once melted, run your hands through your hair to evenly apply the product. I used about 4 pumps of this product for my shoulder-length hair, and applied more product to my trouble-spots. When my hair dried, my waves looked smooth and beautiful!
I’m not the only one smitten with Ojon… this product won Natural Health Magazine’s award for "Best Styling Product", and was a 2007 "Best of Sephora" nominee. Ojon Hydrating Styling Cream retails for $30 at and