ESTÉE LAUDER Jeweled Pink Ribbon Compact
Description : This elegant compact is a simple way to show your support of Breast Cancer Awareness. Covered in deep pink crystals, the compact is filled and is refillable with Lucidity Translucent Pressed Powder.
We know that breast cancer doesn’t just affect women. That’s why this year, a blue stone has been added to our compact to represent the 1% of men who are affected.
Suggested Retail Price : $55.00
Amount of Donation : Estée Lauder will donate 20% of the suggested retail price of each Jeweled Pink Ribbon Compact sold to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation®, dedicated to preventing breast cancer and finding a cure in our lifetime by funding clinical and translational research worldwide. For more information about BCRF, visit
Available at : Select Estée Lauder counters in the United States and on (8/1/11 – 12/31/11).
It’s so pretty… and it’s for a good cause too…