Evelyn Lauder Pink Ribbon Collection
Description : Featuring Pure Color Lipstick in Wildly Pink, hand-picked by Evelyn Lauder, and an accessory bag. Pure Color Lipstick looks and feels so incredible, it leaves lips wanting more. Its True
Vision™ technology takes ordinary color and makes it extraordinary. In a satin, lasting creme finish.
Suggested Retail Price : $24.00
Amount of Donation : Estée Lauder will donate 20% of the suggested retail price of each Evelyn Lauder Pink Ribbon Collection sold to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation®, dedicated to preventing breast cancer and finding a cure in our lifetime by funding clinical and translational research worldwide. For more information about BCRF, visit
Available at : All Estée Lauder counters in the United States and Puerto Rico and on (8/1/11 – 12/31/11).
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