This week, the Makeup Wars team is doing something a little different. We’ve each picked a brand to showcase. My pick? Estee Lauder! I’ve even compiled a Best Estee Lauder Products list, for you to peruse!
Firstly, Estee Lauder fanned the flames of my makeup obsession in my early teens. I would wait for a coveted GWP and then strike! I always felt like I had hit a gold mine. So why did I love Estee Lauder at 14, and still love the brand at **ahem** older than 14?
Five Reasons To Love Lauder
1) Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Every year, the brand raises funds to work toward a cure for Breast Cancer in brilliant ways. It’s still October, so don’t forget to think pink!

2) Limited Edition collections. Estee Lauder’s latest limited-edition wares are off the hook!

3) Holiday Gifts! Each year, Estee Lauder offers gift-able beauty accessories that are keepsake quality.

4) GWPS! Estee Lauder offers the most awesome gift with purchase options! In fact, Estee herself was the person who came up with the idea!
5) One Stop Shop! Estee Lauder has always been a brand I can trust for superior color and skincare options. Click on each swatch below to visit a recent Lauder review! Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom, to read about the favorite brands of the entire makeup wars team!

This product was a press sample. Please click HERE to read my full disclosure.