Have you ever browsed the shelves of Target’s beauty department? There are some amazing items available there, most at budget-friendly prices. There are so many aisles in-store, a beauty addict like me could get lost for hours! Before you get lost in the abyss, don’t forget you can browse comfortably online while wearing your robe and slippers! Some of the most amazing products available in the Target beauty department are part of the Sonia Kashuk line. These two nail polishes immediately caught my eye. Here in the desert, it feels like spring already, so spring colors are on my mind. Violetta and Summer Squeeze are great selections if you want to embrace spring color right NOW, regardless of what the weather is.

Sonia Kashuk Nail Colour delivers superb, streak-free application with a high-shine finish!

Sonia Kashuk Summer Squeeze Nail Colour is a ripe orange that leans a bit peach. It’s such a wonderful shade for both Spring and Summer!

The second I saw Sonia Kashuk Violetta Nail Colour, I thought of Easter! This festive vivid violet has a touch of magenta and really pops! What a pretty spring pedicure this would be!
Retail price for Sonia Kashuk Nail Colour is $4.79! Click HERE to shop Sonia Kashuk at Target!
The product in this review was a press sample. Please click HERE to read my full disclosure.