As we are all painfully aware, there are many luxury brands that refuse to allow markdowns on their items. Some retailers have found clever ways around this rule. The Saks Fifth Avenue Spend More Earn More events are one of these loopholes. Their way around it? When you spend a certain amount of money, you will earn a gift card toward a future purchase. If you aren’t sure which items apply for this deal, look for the tagline “Spend More, Earn More: Use Code GIFTGCSF” as you are shopping. Yes, even some sale items apply! Brands I spotted that are a part of this promotion include Dolce & Gabbana, Givenchy, Ralph Lauren Collection, Tom Ford, Valentino Garavani, and Versace.
To score this steal, use code GIFTGCSF at checkout. The spending thresholds are:
$50 Promotional Gift Card with your $250 purchase
$100 Promotional Gift Card with your $500 purchase
$200 Promotional Gift Card with your $1000 purchase
$500 Promotional Gift Card with your $2000 purchase
This deal ends on August 24, 2024 so be sure to start shopping if you have items on your wish list! Click HERE to shop SaksFifthAvenue.com.