[button link=”https://www.ragingrouge.com/about-raging-rouge/raging-rouge-llc-disclosures” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow” color=”RR” shape=”rounded” size=”small” align=”right”]Press Sample[/button]I always love a great lip stain, and Vincent Longo Cupid’s Breath Gel Stain quickly won my heart for delivering a sheer wash of ripe dark peachy color to the lips. Guess what? This product is actually for use on both lips and cheeks!
Vincent Longo Cupid’s Breath Gel Stain Review, Swatches

Check out the bottle! Tell me it doesn’t look like this tube is filled with blood? Maybe it’s a great lip color to tote to a Halloween party!

As you can see above, the color delivered is actually a dark peach. Don’t forget that this is for use on lips and cheeks, and wears beautifully!
Retail price is $24.
Click HERE to shop VincentLongo.com. Other retailers include Nordstrom.
The product featured in this review was a press sample from #bstat and was provided by BeautyStat.com. Please click HERE to read my full disclosure.